Birthing in the Spirit – A Review

This book brings gratitude and a deeper appreciation towards women. Not only does it provide important information, but it opens another world about the deep connection to one spirit. I went into reading my first book (in the BirthWorks Birth Doula and Childbirth Educator training program) not knowing what to expect. How was I going …

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Happy 35th Birthday to BirthWorks!

This year, we’re thrilled to share wonderful progress and the impact BirthWorks makes on our aspiring professionals – who go out and make a huge impact for parents. This year, you will see videos, testimonials and more! Today, we inspire by explaining how integrated and experiential our programs are.  Jean Sutton and Optimal Foetal Positioning …

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What is the BirthWorks Experience?

In 2020, like many, we had time to reflect on the past and re-create what BirthWorks’ future would be. So we asked key people involved with BirthWorks – What is the BirthWorks Experience to you?  They have been with BirthWorks for a long time, starting off with attending a BirthWorks workshop, becoming certified, and finding …

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Have a Question? Let’s Chat.

Please don’t hesitate to reach us, happy to be in touch.

Cristin Tighe
Executive Director & International Coordinator
1-202-276-3521 Mobile/WhatsApp