Phthalates & Preterm Birth – Instead Choose Health

It is no surprise that we are contaminating our environment with toxins. What is not as well known is that some of these “forever chemicals” cannot be destroyed, and may be still another cause of preterm birth.  A premature birth by definition is one that occurs before the 37th week of pregnancy. Causes of premature births include: multiple …

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Train Yourself ~ Maternal Mental Health

Mental Health Challenges & How to Minimize Them Maternal mental health is so often not acknowledged, maybe misunderstood, and has large impacts (both short and long term), if a mother does not get support. With BirthWorks as a foundation, often many mental challenges that mothers experience are minimized. This is because during childbirth preparation, we …

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Virtual Doula-ing During Covid-19

These are unprecedented times. Have you heard? Of course you have. And you have probably said that same thing yourself. We are throwing this phrase about so much with the COVID-19 pandemic that it is becoming alarmingly normal to be living in unprecedented times. Everyone has been impacted by the adjustments that have been made …

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Yes! Type 2 Diabetes is Reversible!

BirthWorks is a comprehensive program that works to improve birth and health for the whole person. We address many issues that help keep a woman in the perinatal period healthy so she has a better chances of growing  a healthy baby, having a transformative birth,  and being of sound mind, body, and spirit during the …

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The Infant Microbiome: 6 Things Every Parent Should Know

Guest post by Toni Harman

Unleashing the Science: 6 Things Every Parent Should Know About The Infant Microbiome

For the past five years, I have been fully immersed in bacteria. More specifically, my partner and I have explored the wonders of the human microbiome, the bacterial ecosystem that lays the foundations for lifelong health.

As documentary filmmakers, we’ve been in a privileged position to travel tens of thousands of miles interviewing dozens of world-leading professors.

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Have a Question? Let’s Chat.

Please don’t hesitate to reach us, happy to be in touch.

Cristin Tighe
Executive Director & International Coordinator
1-202-276-3521 Mobile/WhatsApp