We offer several certification paths for aspiring birth professionals.

BirthWorks Mentoring and Training

Your online learning journey is available to start any time you want. Register to connect to your Personal Mentor, who is always available to speak to along the way and guide your process.

Your BirthWorks Workshop

Our hand-picked BirthWorks Trainers inspire your learning in an interactive, experiential way. BirthWorks Workshops are offered either- Virtually (typically over four partial days) or In-Person usually for three full days.. Join a Workshop now!

Your online work, plus workshop, fulfills your Certification requirements! It’s easy to join our comprehensive programs – which believe in the birth process!

BreastfeedingWorks! for Professionals

Advanced training for birth and medical professionals for the most essential time in the mother-infant relationship.
Be part of the solution, beyond systemic and cultural limitations. Gain evidence-based skills to most effectively support the first minutes, hours and days – which are key to babies’ health. Research shows these times impact brain development and dictate the length of the breastfeeding journey and are often overlooked. This upbeat, positive experiential training, with values-based guidance, empowers you with tools and techniques to fill the gap.

The BirthWorks Difference

We’re so glad you arrived here. Most of our trained professionals started by reading and deeply connecting with our Philosophy.

Birth is Instinctive so doesn't need to be taught; it needs to be realized!

We help woman to have trust and faith in their bodies that already know how to give birth.

BirthWorks is a process not a method. Each woman gives birth in her own special way.

Want a step up professionally?
Ready for accelerated training?
Already certified but feel something is missing?

BirthWorks Cross-Certification for previously trained doulas and childbirth educators might be for you. Or consider Accelerated Birth Doula & Childbirth Educator (ACED) Training for a fast path to certification


UPCOMING Workshops

Start in one of two ways: Register for a workshop OR Begin with online training.

Either way, meet your Personal Mentor & get a warm WELCOME to your BirthWorks journey!

UPCOMING Workshops

Have a Question? Let’s Chat.

Please don’t hesitate to reach us, happy to be in touch.

Cristin Tighe
Executive Director & International Coordinator
1-202-276-3521 Mobile/WhatsApp