Is Water Birth Safe?  

Water birth has many wonderful benefits and is safe (for most mothers and babies*). There is a strong connection between mother’s fear, feeling safe in birth, the impact and importance of birth place, and how to assure love pervades the birthing context (learn more here). Water birth helps all of these very significant things.  When …

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Perspective on Abuse, Trauma & Perinatal Loss – When Survivors Give Birth

Women who already experienced past trauma – and others who also experience the loss of a child and/or other related perinatal losses – have doubly challenging circumstances to overcome on their path to parenthood. There are not many resources about trauma’s real impact in birth, and even less on the combined impact on survivors AND …

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Why I Am Becoming a Birth Doula

by Jillian Aragon, current BWI Birth Doula student, living in Switzerland Becoming a Doula I want women to believe in themselves. Yes! I want all women to become more connected to their bodies. I believe this job offers me and my clients an incredibly important investment in their wellbeing, and the well-being of all female …

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Experience with BirthWorks Childbirth Educator Workshop

by Dr. Tiffany Jones, BirthWorks Childbirth Educator certification student I attended a virtual Childbirth Educator Workshop in August not really knowing what to expect. The “forever student” part of my brain thought we might be focused on science and statistics because so much of my educational experience has been such. I was initially wary of …

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Phthalates & Preterm Birth – Instead Choose Health

by Cathy Daub, Founder and President of BWI It is no surprise that we are contaminating our environment with toxins. What is not as well known is that some of these “forever chemicals” cannot be destroyed, and may be still another cause of preterm birth.  A premature birth by definition is one that occurs before the 37th week …

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ACED: Accelerated Childbirth Education and Birth Doula Certification | BirthWorks

What About Love? The Physiological Effects of Feeling Safe in Birth 

by Christine Wood, BWI Childbirth Educator student “… all physical functions are affected by what is going on in our minds. Breathing, digestion, elimination of waste, heart rate and blood pressure, and in labour uterine function, are profoundly affected by emotions, beliefs and relationships. It has been known for a long time that stress can …

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Have a Question? Let’s Chat.

Please don’t hesitate to reach us, happy to be in touch.

Cristin Tighe
Executive Director & International Coordinator
1-202-276-3521 Mobile/WhatsApp