for Parents

Online childbirth education immersion course for easier labor and safer birth

Find a BirthWorks Professional

Find your childbirth educator, birth and postpartum doula, or a Kangaroula!

for Parents

Online breastfeeding education to assure ease and success once your baby arrives

BirthWorks Is Different!

Is Different!

The knowledge of how to give birth is within you. Birth is instinctive — you can have trust and faith in your body which already knows how to birth. Your unique process of how to best labor and birth happens through integration of body, mind and spirit. Instinctual connection helps you relax into an easier and shorter labor — this means better birth outcomes for you and baby. Successful breastfeeding and bonding follow so you set your baby up to be the healthiest — with ideal nervous system brain development — and you become relaxed, happy parents! We teach you how.


Online Childbirth Classes

Busy Schedule? Want a fantastic way to prep for birth from home now?

BirthWorks BirthPrep! for Parents offers inspiring, empowering childbirth education to ease and enhance your experience of pregnancy, birth and parenting! Our online Childbirth Class, BirthPrep! for Parents, is the perfect solution, if you are busy and/or want an online option (so you can learn and relax at home). This is offered most months, over two half-days on Zoom. New and second-time parents welcome.

Online Breastfeeding Classes

Empower yourself with essential mother-infant care for success.

Being informed and prepared, with the very best tools, is key for parents to breastfeed well. In our Breastfeeding Prep! for Parents class, you will learn your baby’s biological and psychological expectations… and how your body nourishes and cares for your baby outside your womb. Educate your mind and body, as well as feel inspired from your heart. This online holistic, evidence-based course is the perfect solution to be able to give your baby the benefit of the best nourishment.

BirthWorks helps parents feel connected and empowered to find their own way to birth, in the best way possible! Be part of the BirthWorks Experience in varied ways…

Join our human-values, experiential approach to childbirth for a holistic approach and evidence-based support to your birth process! Find a doula to support you at your birth or at home with your new baby!

Upcoming Events

Childbirth Classes

Online Childbirth Classes for Parents – May 2025

Friday & Saturday ~ May 30-31, 2025 ~ 10:30am-2pm each day |

Have a Question? Let’s Chat.

Please don’t hesitate to reach us, happy to be in touch.

Cristin Tighe
Executive Director & International Coordinator
1-202-276-3521 Mobile/WhatsApp