Profession forum at the BirthWorks Peace in Birth Conference 2019

At our professional forum our speakers commented on the following: Question #1: What is the most important thing that women need to learn: Amber Price: They have the power to change anything. One voice can make change. Consumer demand is important. Lewis Mehl Madrona: Consumer demand brought the epidural epidemic. If consumer demand was for …

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BirthWorks with Birthpedia Conference – Highlights

Our conferences are being described by attendees as, “The BirthWorks Experience” and this is different from other conferences they have attended.   Our program is based on the practice of human values along with integration of the mind, body, and spirit.  This is experienced in all of our conferences and workshops as well as in our …

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Pushing Past My Comfort Zone: Childbirth Educator Workshop in Huntsville, AL

By Shandus Parish   I attended the BirthWorks Childbirth Educator workshop on February 1-3, 2013, in Huntsville, AL, with facilitator Sally Healey. Although the weekend was packed with challenging exercises and conversation, I had a wonderful experience engaging in self-reflection, learning a great deal about myself, and forging deeper relationships with a group of women …

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Workshop Review: Raleigh, North Carolina

The is a lovely review, written by Laura Farnsworth, of our 2006 North Carolina Childbirth Educator workshop. The BirthWorks weekend retreat was nothing like I had experienced before. Through guided exercises, we explored feelings and philosophies about birth, discussed our relationships with our mothers, identified feelings of blame and guilt and released grief over past …

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Have a Question? Let’s Chat.

Please don’t hesitate to reach us, happy to be in touch.

Cristin Tighe
Executive Director & International Coordinator
1-202-276-3521 Mobile/WhatsApp