A Look at Pregnancy and Birth Trauma and Polyvagal Theory from the Perspective of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology

Prenatal and perinatal psychology (PPP) provides a unique and critical awareness of the process of conception, pregnancy, and birth that is lacking from most childbirth education programs, doula trainings, and provider’s educations. One of the main benefits of pre- and perinatal psychology is that it recognizes the need to consider not only the mother and …

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The Sounds of Silence During Labor

I recently listened to an On Being podcast entitled “Silence and The Present of Everything.” The guest, Gordon Teppitt, was an audio ecologist, a career which I’d never heard of and found utterly fascinating. His gentle and calm voice spoke in a poetic way about his experiences and the insights gained from them, a subtle …

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The Truth About Lips

When you see these diagrams of an opening cervix, you can see how a posterior lip would be unlikely because in actuality, the cervix opens in an elliptical fashion and not concentrically.  The baby’s head dilates the cervix more with each contraction pulling the anterior part of the cervix with it.  When the head is …

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Cristin Tighe
Executive Director & International Coordinator
1-202-276-3521 Mobile/WhatsApp