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Dr. Bergman’s passion starts with “skin-to-skin” contact of mother and baby. He qualified in Cape Town, South Africa, then worked as a Manama Mission doctor in Zimbabwe. With midwife Agneta Jurisoo, he developed and implemented Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) for premature babies. Since then, the ongoing research has been presented as keynote lectures at conferences in six continents. He has a diploma in Child Health, a Masters in Public Health, and a PhD in Clinical Pharmacology.
Over six years, Dr. Bergman was Senior Medical Superintendent of the Mowbray Maternity Hospital (7,000 babies per year) and five Midwife Obstetric Units (11,000 babies per year.) He worked in Cape Town as a Consulting Public Health Physician and is an Honorary Research Associate at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. He is currently doing Gates Foundation research in five countries on the benefits of mother-baby skin-to-skin contact, especially with premature infants. His special interest is Perinatal Neuroscience.
Dr. Bergman is a MB ChB, DCH, MPH, and MD Public Health Physician.