Celebrating the Legacy of Doris Haire
BWI is honored to have had Doris Haire on our Board of Advisors for years. Doris was President of the American Foundation for Maternal and Child Health (ACNM). A true trailblazer in the field of maternity care and its effects on infant outcomes, she devoted more than 40 years of her life to improving the health of moms and babies. Doris was one of the original champions for normal, physiologic birth. Her landmark 1972 work The Cultural Warping of Childbirth continues to be relevant to midwives’ current work to help protect and advance physiologic birth in today’s maternity care system. To learn more about the life and work of Doris, you can read the obituary in her hometown paper or visit www.aimsusa.org.Doris Haire – Honorary Member