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I thought I couldn't do it, I thought I wasn't strong

I saw myself as weak, but I know now I was wrong

After all, I always cried at the slightest little thing

A stubbed toe or a paper cut would cause my eyes to sting

I proceeded to convince myself that once contractions came

I'd surely call for drugs and only have myself to blame

But a wish grew that began to have a life all of its own

It started as a seed, but with my love, became full grown

For when I closed my eyes and I let myself be free

My heart began to open to each possibility

I took my wish and kept it safe, then nurtured it each day

And I began to trust me in a new, exciting way

Bit by bit the doubts about myself began to die

I faced my insecurities and started asking why

And because of this I came into a promising new world

Where the last bit of me changed into a woman from a girl

So when the pain came at a level that I hadn't ever planned on

My beliefs were my foundation, and the rock that I could stand on

I swayed my hips, rocked on my ball, I worked my baby down

And because he's mine, I reached down and I touched him as he crowned

I pushed my baby out from my own power and my might

I felt that I grew wings and that my body could take flight

When my baby came into my arms, I knew I'd really changed

I was a mother then, and I would never be the same

How could I ever be the same, when now I really knew

The awesome power of my thoughts, and all that I can do?

For now potential's limitless, I've met a brand new me

I'm a warrior, a goddess, a mother...I am free

I did not want to miss the pain, I wanted to go through it

And I did, because I grew my wish:  I knew that I could do it

My niece had her first baby in December, and was determined to have the baby naturally.  She labored for 20 hours in a small room of the hospital, with not even a picture on the wall or a chair for her husband.  It amazes me what women can do when they believe they can.