Your continuous presence with a woman helps labor progress with fewer interventions. Empower women through the BirthWorks Experience – evidence-based best practices with a human-values approach that integrates mind-body-spirit in birth. Join high-quality, comprehensive training with personal Mentoring!

Path to Become a Birth Doula



Work at Home

Attend Births

Be Certified!

Path to Birth Doula Certification ~ CBD(BWI)

    1. Register ($650US certification fee) and receive your Birth Doula Certification Packet and your BirthWorks Doula Journal Workbook for inspiration, personal reflection, and deep learning
    2. Begin interactive online training to enhance growth on key topics and complete steps to certify
    3. Connect with your Personal Mentor for ongoing support and regular feedback on your work
    4. Complete reading and written requirements from home – journal work, seven book reviews, and an essay (on the purpose and value of a birth doula)
    5. Take BirthWorks Birth Doula Workshop at any time! (~$575US workshop fee) and receive the BirthWorks Doulas of Love: A Guidebook for Doulas and Birthing Parents
    6. Fulfill the professional skill development requirements – lactation education and childbirth education 
    7. Attend two births and provide documentation
    8. Be a Certified BirthWorks Birth Doula

BirthWorks Is Different


Right Action




Frequently Asked Questions

Complete reading and written requirements – 

  • Complete all steps through the online learning system
  • Do your Doula Journal Workbook
  • Read eight books – five from a required book list and choose three others (one book from each of the three categories). 
  • Write your essay (500 words) on the purpose and value of a birth doula
  • Read Doulas of Love, ideally before taking the workshop

Attend all hours of the BirthWorks Birth Doula Workshop to receive your Certificate of Attendance and gain BirthWorks-Inspired status

Fulfill the childbirth educator/professional requirement – attend a 12-hour childbirth education series OR provide proof you’re a certified childbirth educator, midwife, or nurse (with at least three years labor and delivery experience)

Attend two births and provide relevant documentation – client confidentiality forms, birth record forms and evaluations (from the mother and a professional member of the birth team). Also write 1-2 page Birth Essays with a description each birth, mothers’ emotional response, the support you provided and what you learned. (Births count toward certification after you attend the workshop.)

Our blended-learning combines both online education including regular interactions, support and feedback from your Mentor, with face-to-face classroom experiences in the workshop, as well as you actually offering birth doula services. Our professional programs include transformational self-development work and training that is evidence-based and holistic. After completion, you will be confident and highly-trained to be a fabulous, successful BWI professional.

We give you flexibilty to start as you prefer – take a workshop first OR begin Certification work at any time.

  • Two fees are charged separately, so you can choose to pay them when you want.
  • BWI Certification is $650US including Personal & Group Mentoring for 18 months.
  • It includes free BWI Membership during training + 12 more months ($190US value)
  • BWI Workshop is $525-$625US ($100US early discount). This is the second fee.
  • You can take your Workshop first OR begin Certification work any time – it’s up to you!
  • Both fees are non-refundable – before you pay, please contact us with questions.
  • FREE BirthWorks Membership for two years (during your 18-month training period plus one more year)! $190US Value
  • Your BirthWorks Birth Doula Certification Packet with all detailed requirements
  • Your BirthWorks Doula Journal Workbook for inspiration, personal reflection and deep learning
  • Your Doulas of Love: A Guidebook for Doulas and Birthing Parents useful during the workshop
  • Access to BirthWorks online learning platform to work toward certification from home any time you want. There you will access online resources, upload assignments, see your progress, and stay in communication with your Mentor. It includes significant reading topics and online questions to enhance your growth on key issues such as: being an exceptional doula, human values, marketing and interviews, birth plans, third trimester, herbs, our mothers, releasing fears, grieving and healing, nutrition, medical procedures and obstetric drugs, physiology of birth, ways to help labor progress, connecting state of mind with labor and parenting, emotions in labor, comfort measures, risk factors, cesarean sections, postpartum and breastfeeding, infant massage, Blessingway ceremonies
  • Your personal BirthWorks Mentor offers any guidance and support needed (throughout your 18-month training period) and also reviews and comments on your work (as you upload assignments) through our online learning system. You can reach out to your Mentor any time!
  • Professional listing in BirthWorks online directory for referrals
  • Ability to set up your own small business, determine your own fees and keep all revenues
  • International recognition as a Certified BirthWorks Birth Doula from a highly-respected organization
  • Opportunity to become a BirthWorks Mentor and a BirthWorks Ambassador to promote BirthWorks in your area and earn extra money!
  • Be part of an inspiring, passionate global network and community of birthworkers who are working together for a great cause

We’re proud of the quality of our doulas and deeply care about the character of those we train! Birth is an emotional, exciting, and changing time in parents’ lives. They are influenced by their doula’s beliefs, attitudes, lifestyle, and if relevant how she gave birth. BirthWorks Doulas exemplify the importance of respecting one’s body, and taking care of self, family and home. This encompasses a lifestyle that strongly discourages smoking and recreational drug use. A BirthWorks Birth Doula:

  • Strives to be an excellent listener who is non-judgmental and open-minded
  • Believes in the instinctual knowledge born within women during birth and parenting
  • Seeks personal growth through life experiences
  • Supports safety of VBAC over scheduled repeat cesarean section in most cases
  • Promotes the nutritional and emotional benefits of breastfeeding as the healthiest way to feed
  • Understands the deep significance of the mother-baby-dyad and skin-to-skin contact for essential neurodevelopment of the baby
  • Honors all cultural traditions and perspectives
  • Keeps personal attire and language professional so her clients feel safe and welcome

You chose what is best for you! You can start with the workshop – some people take it, then are inspired to become certified. You can also join the certification training and begin online learning as well as reading and written requirements, then do the workshop later. (The workshop is good for three years toward your Certification if you want to spread out costs.)

You receive this status after all of the following:

  • Full participation in all hours of the BirthWorks Birth Doula Workshop – afterward you are sent a Certificate of Attendance and you are granted BirthWorks-Inspired status
  • Successful completion of all BirthWorks Birth Doula Certification requirements, except for the birth experiences (and related documentation)
  • Ongoing good standing with BirthWorks, with all certification (and if needed extension) fees paid in full

Provisional Certification brings you credibility to offer birth doula services — because you can show support from an internationally-respected certifying organization. BirthWorks can provide a professional letter saying you may begin offering services and are almost completed with final certification. Provisional status may give you access to attend more client births in venues where pandemic-related policies are limiting access.

After attending the workshop, you receive a Certificate of Attendance and a letter from Birthworks saying you may begin offering your services as Birth Doula with Provisional Certification. For the births to count toward your certification requirements, they must be attended after you do the workshop. At that point, you will be able to apply the BirthWorks Philosophy, approach and experience in a deeper way – which assures you are more prepared and confident and that your clients have the best experience possible with you as their doula. Both births require continuous labor support through the immediate postpartum period, and neither can be a planned cesarean (although one can be unplanned).

You communicate with your BirthWorks Mentor through a transparent online learning system, where you can track your progress to completion of certification. You can reach out directly to your Mentor as well, and email or call with any questions.

It is a 100-page treasure and keepsake filled with exercises to become a doula and also connect you with your birthing community. It includes topics of: interviewing, nutrition, music, birth terminology, birth and postpartum conflict resolution scenarios, influences of the media, birthing language, relationships with mothers, human values, finding a safe place to give birth, spirituality, grieving and healing, adult-infant CPR certification, plus self-care! and more…

This 200-page book includes a massive amount of information you need to be successful as a birth doula! Learn all about the value and considerations of doula work, marketing your business, third trimester needs, nutrition, blessingway ceremonies, emotions and fears, grief and relationships, anatomy and physiology, comfort measures, coping and strategies, medical procedures, preparing to attend a birth, ways to be most effective in labor support, postpartum and breastfeeding needs and more…

After you are certified, you can Mentor others. Also, you can become an Ambassador helping host local events or market workshops and earn a percent of the incom! Some of our birth professionals become BirthWorks Trainers and others join our Board of Directors. Please join us! – Be Involved

Birth of a Doula Program!

Birth of a Doula Program!

BirthWorks Birth Doula Certification was co-created in 2000 by Liz O’Shea, CPM and Cathy Daub, PT, BirthWorks Founder. Many BirthWorks Childbirth Educators after experiencing the impact their work had on the parents they taught, asked us to create a BirthWorks doula training. So this program was a natural extension – the Doula Journal Workbook was developed, then Cathy wrote Doulas of Love to enhance the in-person three-day Birth Doula Workshops. Since then we keep certifying people throughout the US and internationally – in 2020 we expanded offering virtual training workshops, too!

Your certification organization matters!

Join a community that supports, mentors and cares for you… during and after your training!
Reach us with questions anytime or +1-609-953-9380.

Have a Question? Let’s Chat.

Please don’t hesitate to reach us, happy to be in touch.

Cristin Tighe
Executive Director & International Coordinator
1-202-276-3521 Mobile/WhatsApp