Certification – Postpartum Doula

$650.00 / month

A new mother is home with her baby. She feels alone and overwhelmed especially if single or her partner is away for work. She has no extended family nearby. She had a difficult birth. She is trying to mother her children and is exhausted, even becoming depressed. Her body and hormones are adjusting to a non-pregnant state, causing fluctuating moods. You can become her postpartum doula and provide reassurance and love, helping her to get rest, recover from birth, and make the early weeks of parenting a positive experience for herself and her family. She will be grateful and remember you for the rest of her life.

This certification fee also covers Personal Mentoring – for support and guidance along the way – plus BWI Membership during the 12-month (1 year) program period + 12 more months ($150 value). After paying this fee, you will receive your BWI Postpartum Doula Certification Packet and soon be connected to your Mentor. (Later, when the timing is ideal for you, register for your BirthWorks Postpartum Doula Workshop.) Welcome to BWI!

Please note: this fee is non-refundable. If you have other questions before registering, please email us.


Have a Question? Let’s Chat.

Please don’t hesitate to reach us, happy to be in touch.

Cristin Tighe
Executive Director & International Coordinator
1-202-276-3521 Mobile/WhatsApp