What is a Childbirth Educator?

All birthing parents deserve comprehensive childbirth preparation to instill confidence, trust and faith in their innate ability to give birth. Do you want to teach parents what really matters to have the birth of their dreams? BirthWorks Childbirth Educators bring a human-values approach and evidence-based best practices offering both emotional and academic preparation to improve birth outcomes. BirthWorks offers the best way to help women build confidence and decrease fear in birth! Our approach gives you the most comprehensive curriculum and skills to prepare parents in ways that inform, inspire and truly empower.

The BirthWorks Experience!

Want to be the most fantastic childbirth educator?

This experiential workshop is a fun, engaging way to discover how to most effectively make a difference in the lives of new parents and babies! Our hand-picked BirthWorks Trainers inspire you in an interactive and empowering way – you will embody the knowledge that how to give birth is born within every woman. The workshop also teaches you how to attract clients to build your business and opens an opportunity for personal growth. It is offered either – Virtually or In-Person. Aspiring or current birth and medical professionals, birth partners and mothers too are welcome.

What You Will Learn

  • Understand physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of giving birth
  • Optimal Pelvic Positioning and Pelvic Bodywork for progress of labor, physiology of labor and optimal fetal positioning
  • How to enhance positive energy around a birthing woman and importance of positive thinking
  • How to decrease stimulation of the neocortex during labor and get hormones working best for birth
  • Components of labor, privacy, fear-tension-pain cycle, vocalization
  • Our amazing microbiome and birth physiology
  • Trust in birth as an instinctive process
  • Impact of emotional learning
  • Impact of mother-daughter relationships in birth
  • Guilt, blame, and judgment as related to birthing
  • Art of discovering belief systems
  • Philosophies of childbirth
  • Common Sense Nutrition for birth and life and the value of exercise
  • Non-pharmacological and other comfort measures for labor and birth
  • Systems approach to holistic health care
  • Multi-sensory visualizations and affirmations
  • Birth choices and birth plans
  • Setting a safe and supportive atmosphere
  • Vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) and cesarean decision making
  • Primal Health and its significance to adult health
  • Breastfeeding and the importance of mother/baby dyad and skin-to-skin contact
  • Supporting bonding and enhancing baby’s brain and nervous system development
  • Postpartum care for mom and baby
  • Building self-confidence through Human Values
  • Ways to best present topics and concrete tools and skills to be able to teach parents
  • Group facilitation and communication techniques

Birthing Parents and Certified Educators and Doulas at our workshops say they have…


  • Confidence in the birth process and in decision-making skills
  • An awareness of birthing options
  • Greater trust in birth as an instinctive process
  • Effective and creative communication skills


  • Physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of giving birth
  • Influence of individual beliefs and attitudes on the birth process
  • Influence of mother-daughter relationships on birth
  • Ways to practice human values in labor and in life


  • Importance of positive thinking
  • Comfort measures for labor and birth
  • Effects of pelvic positioning on the progress of labor
  • How to decrease neocortical stimu- lation during labor


Want to become a Certified Childbirth Educator?

BirthWorks interactive online training and personal mentoring empowers you as an exceptional childbirth educator! Holistic and evidence-based, our human-values approach to training and services are transformational. We invite you to learn how speaking from the heart brings more love and care to your clients and connects them to the knowledge that how to give birth is born within every woman. This choice positively impacts your birth work — and your life!

Upcoming Events

Childbirth Educator Training

Online Childbirth Educator Workshop – August 2025

August 21-22 & 28-29 | Both Thursday & Friday 9am-2:30pm EDT |

Have a Question? Let’s Chat.

Please don’t hesitate to reach us, happy to be in touch.

Cristin Tighe
Executive Director & International Coordinator
1-202-276-3521 Mobile/WhatsApp