Become a BirthWorks Mentor!
Empower and inspire other birth workers – plus you keep learning, gain confidence, and build your professional credibility.

Becoming a BWI Mentor
brings many benefits to you!

- Enhance your own education - more depth of learning follows from teaching others!
- Build a relationship with another like-minded person who loves BirthWorks
- Demonstrate leadership and take responsibility for certifying students and make a difference in birth
- Build professional skills and experience for your resume or c.v.
- Represent BWI - be part of sharing BirthWorks Philosophy, values, and your own personal journey
- Experience a wonderful volunteer opportunity - service is a true gift and helping others brings happiness
- Mentoring often leads to an invitation to join our Board of Directors and/or to be a BWI Trainer
- Great networking opportunity in the birth field - virtually and in other ways to be seen in the the global community as someone that cares deeply about birth
- Play a key role as part of internationally-respected organization - and earn some money too!
Do you have passion to make a contribution to someone else's life, as part of their birth education journey?
Become a BWI Mentor!
Be a significant part of another person’s experience.
Make some money just by reviewing a student’s work and giving feedback.
Improve the birth context and uplift someone, too!
Inspired to make a difference as a BirthWorks Mentor?
Share what you know with confidence and stay updated on the latest information in the field, too
If you aspire to share BWI evidence-based, human-values approach, this is a great next career step.
Requirements to become an Mentor

Requirements to become an BWI Mentor
- Be certified in the BWI program in which you would like to mentor and excited to support others, appreciating mentoring also enhances your depth of understanding
- Professional in childbirth field with strong belief in the value of BirthWorks
- Be willing to consider mentoring at least five students over time and continue with each during their program period
- Communicate to BWI office if your personal situation changes, to give one-month notice, so we can find students a new Mentor
- BirthWorks mentors must have attended and completed at least ten births. If you did ACED, you can mentor Childbirth Educator students (until you get ten births).
Steps to Take
- Contact us to share your inspiration for becoming a Mentor
- Receive your Mentor Agreement with details on the benefits of mentoring, requirements, protocol and compensation.ake part in an online meeting to go over requirements, resources and your questions
- Take part in an online meeting or to go over the requirements, your questions, and to learn what resources we provide to help you succeed in the role.
- Join us as an official BirthWorks Mentor! Congratulations!
There is much to be accomplished in the birth world. Your uplifting another birth worker can make all the difference to a new mother and baby. We hope you will be a part – the Mentor program is open for registration.
Steps to Take